This blogs will introduce you to a program that would help kids that were waived into adult court get another chance. We will also let these once kids, now adults, introduce themselves to you. The first part of the blog discusses the program , created by Andrae Bridges and Roy Rogers. Then the prisoners tell their stories.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Authors of Program tell WHY
Why I Think This Program (Redemptive Re-Entry) Is Needed •
I think the Redemptive Re-Entry Program or something similar is needed because juvenile offenders who were waived into adult court, convicted of violent crimes, given lengthy sentences and have served more than thirteen (13) years deserve a second chance at the life they never knew. Or had for that matter. I have found that juveniles who don't get waived into adult court ultimately receive a second chance at life. Even after having been convicted of crimes just as violent as those who get waived. It is clearly understood that we're dealing with two different jurisdictions here; juvenile and adult. However, we're dealing with the same kind of individuals; JUVENILES.
"The Court explained that juveniles were less culpable because inexperience, less education, and less intelligence make [a juvenile] less able to evaluate the consequences of his or her conduct while at the same time he or she is much more apt to be motivated by mere emotion or peer pressure than as an adult. The reasons why juveniles are not trusted with privileges and responsibilities of an adult also explain why their irresponsible conduct is not as morally reprehensible as that of an adult." (2007 Wis. L. Rev. 729)
With that being said know that I attempt to make no excuses for my actions. And I'd be the first to admit that said actions were deserving of punishment yet I can't help questioning the degree to which such was disseminated. In 1992 (when I was convicted), had I not been waived as an adult I would have most likely been released around the age of twenty-five (25) or so, depending on certain factors. I most certainly wouldn't still be in the system, as I am now. And that's due solely to the fact that I was waived as adult and thereby sentenced as such. But my point is this: with the Redemptive Re-Entry Program or something similar, prisoners such as myself will be given a shot at freedom just like those who remained in the juvenile system.' Although having served more prison time. Hence, under the juvenile system I probably would have served no more than ten (10) years. Whereas I have nearly double that (17) in the adult system.
In closing, I think the Redemptive Re-Entry Program or something similar is needed because it would apply to a unique group of individuals who have essentially been forgotten. In addition to the ten reasons why I feel and/or think I should be released from prison. But as I was saying, over the years there have been tons of research done on the brain development of juveniles as well as juvenile justice reform. But all of those efforts seem geared toward the juveniles that are entering the system today. Don't get me wrong, I believe that's wonderful and I encourage more efforts in that regard but I'd also like to see something put in effect that would allow prisoners such as myself to receive a special parole grant or at least be given the opportunity to work towards obtaining one or something as such.
Andrae L. Bridges #248420
Testimeny Two by program co- author Roy Rogers
R. Rogers
Why I Think This Program (Redemptive Re-Entry) Is Needed
I believe a program like the Redemptive Re-Entry program is needed because it acknowledges the redemptive value in teens who committed horrible crimes. This program affirms the possibility of positive change in the lives of these offenders and their ability to be productive members in society. This program is needed because it acknowledges that teens who committed serious offenses and sentenced as adults to lengthy prison terms are not throw aways. I believe this program is needed in the Wisconsin Prison System because in order for restorative justice to be complete it requires the restoration also of this class of inmates.
The Redemptive Re-Entry Program is needed because it is in the spirit of the Second Chance Act and the current re-entry initiatives because those eligible for the redemptive re-entry program will be offenders who have taken active responsibility for their actions. They've done this by doing their part to repair harm and restore relationships thru their program involvement and community service.
A program like this is needed because the State of Wisconsin is in a financial bind with a lot of money spent on corrections. The cost of incarceration is steady rising as more offenders are entering the system while current offenders are not exiting fast enough. There are a class of inmates who have fulfilled their rehabilitative goals by receiving vocational training and completing essential programming reducing their risk of re-offending, who came to prison between the ages of 13 and 17 who have been incarcerated 13 years or more who would pose no risk to the community if released and would be valuable contributors and assets to society.
In conclusion, I believe a program like this is needed because adult prisoners who came to prison between the ages of 13-17 should be viewed and treated differently from offenders who came to prison as adults. The reason being is that the personalities, characters and ability to fully comprehend long term consequences and effects of negative behavior were still in development stage in 13-17 year olds in comparison to their adult counterparts. A program like this is needed to recognize and reward the rehabilitative efforts of this class of inmates.
In The Interest of Restorative Justice,
Roy Rogers
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Ten reasons why I should be given my freedom
Ten Reasons Why I Feel and/or Think I Should Be Released From Prison
I thought I had already had my bouts with the hardest of writing assignments until I got assigned the arduous task of writing down ten reasons why I feel and/or think I should be released from prison. Wow! What's so hard about that? One may wonder. Especially when you consider the fact that I've written numerous subjects ranging from prison life to sexual abuse, in addition to an autobiography. As a result I consider myself to be a writer and a pretty good one at that. However, ten reasons why I feel and/or think I should be released from prison don't quite roll off the brain as quick or smooth as one may think. Not because I don't feel or think I should be released. But simply because the task at hand calls for me to be self-serving and that's not something I'm accustomed to thus it's very uncomfortable. I could write down ten reasons why someone else should be released from prison in less time than it took me to write this paragraph because it has become something of a habit for me to put others before my own self. On the other hand, I love a healthy challenge and having to write ten reasons why I feel and/or think I should be released from prison has proven to be just that. So please bear with me as I try to meet and conquer said challenge.
(1) I should be released from prison because I have served my debt to society in full. Although I've only served seventeen (17) years out of a life sentence, without the possibility of parole until 2037, my punishment has been harsher than anyone can possibly imagine:
(a) I entered the system at the age of sixteen (16) whereupon I was waived as an adult. Although I thought I knew everything, both prison and maturity made me realize I knew absolutely nothing and was therefore clueless. With a sound understanding and appreciation for life and everything it has to offer, it's devastating to know that I may never get the opportunity to fully experience such. Now having served more time in prison than I had in society tears at my soul every day. Thus I'm constantly reminded of the fact that I threw away the life I never had. In that alone I feel I am more than deserving of a second chance. Better yet, a second, first chance!
(b) I have essentially lost my family, immediate and otherwise. Be it death or simply living life, which has caused them to forget about me. Around these parts that's most commonly known as "Outta sight. Outta mind!" Understandable, yet very painful nonetheless. The list of things that make my punishment harsher than anyone may know grows on. In fact, at times I believe a death sentence would have been far more lenient. Make no mistakes about it, nothing listed here is intended to minimize or take away from that which got me incarcerated. I take full responsibility for my actions, both past and present.
(2) I should be released from prison because prison no longer provide opportunities to atone for my actions, if anything, prison facilities have become institutions that feed everything negative and I refuse to go back down that road. I need to be released so that I might be able to surround myself with positive people who not only encourage me to give back and be constructive but expect nothing less of me.
(3) I should be released from prison because I can be far more productive in society as opposed to incarcerated. Doing prison time after having served seventeen (17) years have proven to be more counter-productive than anything else.
(4) I should be released from prison because I have outgrown these walls that confine me. Not to say that I'm not able or willing to learn more. It's just that I've allowed my time to work for me as opposed to against me. In that I've taken full advantage of every opportunity to grow up and give back, give back and grow up (SEE: Institution Resume). For being able to give back and lead by example ultimately encouraged me to get my mind right and vice versa. I can't do the one without the other. Confinement/ for me now severely limits that. A good example of just how limited we are, from and educational standpoint is the fact that we can only take one vocational course. Although most facilities offer a minimum of two, we can only take one. No matter how much time one has served or has left to serve. After completing one vocational course, that's it. You'd think we'd be allowed to get as much education as we wanted. But the massive population expansion and lack of funding limits that and everything else for that matter.
(5) I should be released from prison because my being here is a waste of time and space. Admittedly, I don't want to see or suggest that anyone be subjected to incarceration as it is today however, there are many who could use this time to get their minds right. Granted the appropriate groups and programs are provided. Once they better themselves they should be given the opportunity to prove such in society, as with myself.
(6) I should be released from prison because I would NOT re-offend.
(7) I should be released from prison because I am willing to be a model for those who get released from prison and refuse to fail. In fact, I want to be in a position where I can assist them as needed.
(8) I should be released from prison because I need to mentor the youth so that they won't make the same mistakes that I once did. I believe juvenile violence can be greatly decreased if someone actually got in there and listened to the youth. And who better than someone such as myself? Instead of constantly looking for ways to lock them up, I want to help devise ways to set them free.
(9) I should be released from prison because I have conquered my personal demons and I live above any and all negative influences. Gone are my self-destructive ways and days of victimization.
(10) I should be released from prison because I have become a good man. Deserving of nothing less than a second chance at this one life so many often take for granted. The beauty in all of this is every person I've met thus far would support everything I've listed here.
Andrae L. Bridges #248420
Ten Reasons Why I Feel and/or Think I Should Be Released From Prison
In support of this initiative for this Redemptive Re-Entry program I submit these ten reasons why I feel and/or think I should be released from prison. Writing this has been a very difficult and challenging endeavor for me, for many reasons. First of all, I am self-conscious and aware of the reason of why I'm incarcerated in the first place, a vicious crime committed against another human being. Second, I'm aware of the victims I created and the horrible pain I've caused and the wounds and scars I left behind. Thirdly, the sentencing court was rightfully looking to punish me for my horrendous behavior and at the same time protect the public. Thus, I'm mindful of these factors and refuse to do or say anything that would depreciate the seriousness of the crime I committed. I have taken active responsibility for my actions and in all humility I submit Ten reasons why I feel and/or think I should be release from prison.
1) I should be released from prison because I am no longer a risk to the public. I have grown up and matured into a responsible adult who has relinquished anti-social behavior and thinking. I came to prison at the age of 16 and began to do all I could do to change and minimize that risk to the public by aligning myself with Biblical spirituality, obtaining my HSED, receiving vocational training as a printer, taking and completing all mandatory programming and optional programming, I became a model inmate who is compassionate and caring towards others. .
2) I should be released from prison because I should be given the opportunity to repair some of the harm I've caused in the community. I haven't been able to do that in prison to the degree of measurable impact. I want to do my part but the current system makes no allowance for that. I'm indebted to the City of Milwaukee to do my part to have a positive impact on it.
3) I should be released from prison so I can help mentor youth and specifically at risk youth who are in danger of hurting themselves, others and their community. I've been where they're at and have suffered great consequences as a result of my behavior and have to live with what I've done for the rest of my life. Moreover, reaching out to the youth will be a continuation of what I've been doing for the past 15yrs in prison.
4) I should be released from prison because my track record in prison personifies what the DOC means when it speaks about rehabilitation. To keep a rehabilitated man like myself incarcerated works against the very rehabilitation I have achieved and continue to achieve because I grow in positive change everyday. There is nothing left for the DOC to offer
me I am an unused resource that's being warehoused.
5) I should be released from prison because it is bad public policy to invest public funds to continue to imprison me since the DOC's rehabilitative goals for me has been fulfilled. My continued incarceration is unnecessary and incurring unnecessary costs to taxpayers. The average cost of my incarceration is approximately $32,000 yearly. Taxpayers have paid $512,000 in the past 15-16 yrs; in 10 more years it would have cost taxpayers $832,000 to keep me incarcerated. And since I'm a lifer with no guarantee of release it will literally become a million dollar investment to keep a man who poses no risk to society incarcerated. These figures are actually lower than what they actually are as they are not adjusted to reflect the rising costs of incarceration.
6) I should be released from prison because I have community leaders who support me being restored back into society.
7) I should be released from prison because I can and will make a difference in Milwaukee.
8) I should be released from prison because I should have the opportunity to bring honor to the name of Glance Venson, Jr., the victim in my case to give him a voice. I want to and will somehow make sure he is remembered as I will do many monumental and life changing things in his name This has been my endeavor for many years. I don't feel I have paid my debt to the community if I am not afforded such an opportunity. The DOC is totally passive in this respect.
9) I should be released from prison because as a lifer I'm less than 1/3 as likely as all released offenders to be rearrested within three years of release from prison (See, George Soros Justice Initiative Project "The Meaning of Life"- This coupled with my history of personal development and positive change (see Rogers resume).
10) I should be released from prison because I realize I'm far more better than the worst I have done. I was incapacitated and punished for who I was ... is there no redemption for who I am now?
Roy Rogers #273696
Thursday, July 15, 2010
First version of Redemptive Reentry Proposal
To: Alfonso Graham, Parole Chairman
From: Roy Rogers #273696 & Andrae L. Bridges #248420
Re: Redemptive Re-Entry Program Proposal I. INTRODUCTION
This is a proposal for the creation of a Redemptive Re-Entry Program for juvenile offenders who were waived into adult court, convicted of violent crimes, issued lengthy sentences, and have served over thirteen (13) years in prison thus far. The purpose of this program is to facilitate the re-entry of offenders who committed crimes as juveniles back into the community. This program would serve the objectives of:
1. Supporting the idealism of juvenile justice reform from both in and outside of prison as juvenile offenders from the past (1988-1999), present, and future will and should be positively affected by the reform. An excerpt from an article titled Juvenile Injustice? by . Jacqueline Sutton in the Isthmus dated March 7, 2008 reads as follows:
What the public thinks
A national survey revealed the following attitudes toward juvenile justice reform:
· 89% of those surveyed agreed that "almost all youth who commit crimes have the potential to change," and more than seven out of 10 agreed that "incarcerating youth offenders without rehabilitation is the same as giving up on them."
· The public supports providing counseling, education and job training programs to youth offenders. Eight out of 10 favor relocating state government money from incarceration to programs that seek to help young people become productive citizens.
· Treatment and services are widely seen as more effective than locking people up. Less than 15% of those surveyed thought incarceration was a "very effective" way to rehabilitate youth.
· More than three-quarters of the public favors keeping nonviolent youth in small facilities in their own communities; six in 10 favor community supervision for nonviolent youth.
· The public believes the juvenile justice system treats low-income, African American and Hispanic youth unfairly. Almost two-thirds of. respondents said poor youth receive worse treatment than middle-class youth who get arrested for the same offense.
2. Affirming the Restorative Justice philosophy by connecting the offender with the community by which they can begin to earn the communities' trust through community service projects of all kinds.
3. Giving rehabilitated offenders who committed crimes as juveniles the opportunity to:
a. Be valuable assets to the community.
b. Live out their lives' as productive and constructive adults.
c. Use the skills they've learned to prevent others from making the same mistakes as they once did/ namely at-risk youth.
4. Easing overcrowding in the Wisconsin Prison System and the cost of incarceration.
This program should be designed to target offenders like the authors of this proposal who:
1. were waived into adult court at the age of sixteen (16) for First Degree Intentional Homicide (PTAC) and sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole until January 1, 2020 for Mr. Rogers and September 19, 2037 for Mr. Bridges;
2. have received their HSED/GED's while incarcerated;
3. have learned a vocational trade while incarcerated;
4. have completed both mandatory and non-mandatory programming like AODA, CGIP, Anger Management and Responsible Thinking;
5. have invested over a decade in involvement with Victim Awareness/ Community Service/ and Restorative Justice Projects;
6. have invested over a decade in Juvenile Crime Prevention Programs/ which targeted at-risk youth;
7. have demonstrated a positive change through consistent/ positive institution adjustment;
8. have maintained a history of job employment with good evaluations by employers;
9. have received certification as a tutor by the Literary Volunteers of America
10. who have not only used their time wisely but have matured physically/ mentally, and spiritually and now truly understand the err in their' past violent and self-destructive ways.
Of course the list can go on and on. There are many offenders who fit this description in one way or another. Men like: Eric G. Nash, Dujuan Nash, and Levelt Musgraves, all housed at GBCI. Michael Maldonado housed at FLCI, and Tim Cambell housed at OSCI. The program in a nutshell should target those offenders who:
1. entered prison as children;
2. grew up and matured in prison;
3. have taken an active role in bettering their lives by fully cooperating" with the rehabilitation process and thereby allowing their time to work for them.
This program should also target offenders who, under the normal structure of their sentence will:
1. not get out at all;
2. eventually get out but at an age where they are unable to gain meaningful employment and be independent;
3. only be released by discretionary action of the parole commission.
Although the Redemptive Re-Entry Program can be formatted in many different ways, we have come up with three, which range from the very simple, void of any programs or group participation and the more complex and intense as it is made up of an assortment of programs. Upon successfully completing one of the following programs or simply being recommended (as the first format will require) the offenders would receive a "Special Parole Grant" allowing them to be released on an early parole. This "Special Parole Grant" would override any statutory and court imposed parole eligibility dates:
1. The first and simplest format for the Redemptive Re-Entry Program does not consist of any further program requirements as the selected participants will have already completed all of their required program needs and some. Therefore a *Redemptive Re-Entry Program Review Committee (RRPRC) will examine everything the offender has done and/or accomplished throughout his incarceration and then determine whether or not he should be recommended to receive the "Special Parole Grant." It would probably be very beneficial RRPRC to have the selected participants write out their plans and goals for the future in the event of being released. Something similar to a parole plan. This simple review can be conducted at any prison facility and there is no program length as program requirements do not apply.
2. The second format is a group type/ similar to that of CGIP Phases I and II, Anger Management or Restorative Justice; which can also be~ conducted at any prison facility. The length of this particular program format would be 4-6 months and the subject matter could differ depending upon the needs of the participants. For example, the RRPRC might want to see an individual complete Restorative Justice before giving him a "Special Parole Grant." In the event of an individual being required to take a specific program or the one that may be created under this format/ it is expected that he will be sent to the facility that offers said program. Successful completion results in a "Special Parole Grant."
3. The third" and final format considered for the Redemptive Re-Entry Program is the lengthiest and most intense as formats one and two are combined here. Format three is one that should be a unit based program that further motivates its' participants to control their risk of reoffending by changing the beliefs and thoughts that support their criminal behaviors and allow them to continue learning, developing and practicing new skills in order to live a more pro-social life-
The unit should be designed to provide an environment within a medium-security institution to support the delivery of Employability Skills, CGIP,Restorative Justice and other treatment programming in accordance with pre-release programs. The unit should exist as an alternative community within the institution that helps to isolate the offenders from the anti-social prison subculture. The unit should' also encourage involvement in pro-social activities such as support groups and community service. Program length should be 18-36 months.
Upon successfully completing the programs on the unit set forth by the Redemptive Re-Entry Program Review Committee the offender should be granted a "Special Parole Grant" or one of the following custody reductions so that the offender. might continue to work towards obtaining said grant:
a. Minimum security
b. Half-way House/Work Release Programming
A Redemptive Re-Entry Program Review Committee should and must be created to:
1. Investigate and collect data on the offenders who were convicted of serious crimes as juveniles and _sentenced in the' range of 50 years to life in prison in the'State of Wisconsin from 1988 to 1999 (New Law inmates).
2. Select the appropriate programs that the Redemptive Re-Entry Program participants will be required to take and successfully complete/ as many of us have received our HSED/GED's, taken a vocational course, or completed other programs such as CGIP, Tutor Training/ Restorative Justice, and so on and so forth,
3. Develop a criteria of eligibility for. this program accepting input from offenders and the community, This criteria should take into consideration:
a Offense
b. Sentence
c. Time served
d. Program completion
e. Institution adjustment
f. Initial A & E recommendations
g. etc.
4. Review and recommend suitable participants for the Redemptive Re-Entry Program.
In light of the ever growing Wisconsin prison population, budget woes, and the changing roles of the parole commission, the creation of such a program would help alleviate some of these problems. It gives the WDOC a viable option of who to release and how to release them, as well as acknowledge that children who committed horrible crimes are not beyond redemption, contrary to what was once popular belief.
The underlying notion of the-Redemptive Re-Entry Program is that children who committed horrible crimes rightfully received stiff penalties,-however, the majority of those sentences did not take into account the rehabilitation of these children; that they could grow up to be productive members of society and it wouldn't take a life time, which many were sentenced to.
Finally, with all the fascinating information being discovered about the brain development (lack thereof) of juveniles verses that of adults make it easy to conclude that there is such a thing as juvenile injustice. By creating and supporting the Redemptive Re-Entry Program or programs similar to it the WDOC and justice system as a whole can begin to restore the many lives that have been broken. Nothing has been stated here for the purpose of excusing ones violent and self-destructive behaviors. In fact, that goes against everything this program would stand for as it is essential that one take full responsibility for his actions, past? present and future. This proposal is, however, a plea to establish a program, which supports juvenile justice reform and grants second chances. This proposal is also a tentative draft that is subject to change and open for suggestions, future rewrites, and endorsements until it is in a form that is viable, taking all relevant factors into consideration.
In the Interests of. Restorative Justice,
Andrae L. Bridges #248420
Roy Rogers #273696
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Sabir Wilcher
Sabir Wilcher 304719
Green Bay Correctional Institution
PO Box 19033
Green Bay, Wi 54307
My name is Sabir M. L Wilcher and I am currently housed at the Green Bay Correctional Institution. I'm 30 years old and will be 31 in December. At the time I was arrested in 1995,1 was only 15 years old and not well educated. I was convicted of first degree intentional homicide, 6 days before I turned 16, in 1995.1 was sentenced to life in prison with parole eligibility in December 2025.
Before my conviction, I had never been arrested of a violent offense and I wasn't part of the juvenile detention system like Lincoln Hills, Wells, etc. People would have described me as being very shy when I was a kid. I only completed school through the 6th grade. I was bullied a lot growing up and I only wanted to fit in and impress the same kids who would beat me up every day and chase me home. Both of my parents had a crack cocaine addiction and I basically had to take care of myself. We lived in a bad neighborhood in Milwaukee with drug houses on the same street.
I've been down now a total of 15 + years. While I've been in prison, I've gotten my HSED, 2 Vocational Trade Certificates in Welding and Building Maintenance and Construction. I've completed CGIP phase 1 and 2, Able Minds program, and tutor training.
Although I'm still a little shy, I now accept the fact that everyone is not going to like me and I don't need people's approval to be who I am. I believe I have become a person of substance and value. I have avoided gang activity and drug use in prison and have worked on becoming healthier, mentally and physically. I no longer think like the child who pulled that trigger 15 years ago. I value the lives of others, as well as my own. My goal is to get out and show my nieces and nephews how to be productive and positive role models in the community.
I would also like to share my experience with other kids and help teach them the value of education and that fast money can lead you to bad situations. I just wish people would see me for the man I've become and not the kid I used to be...
Thank you,
Sabir Wilcher
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
December 25, 1995
Teen's life collapsed into death At IS, he was a drug house lookout who murdered for his boss —————
David DOEGE Journal Sentinel staff
"Looking back, there are many things 1 would have done differently, and avoiding drugs and my so-called friends would be first on the list." 16-year-old convicted murderer Sabir Wilcher in a letter to Circuit Judge Patricia D. McMahon.
As he strode hump-shouldered into Circuit Court rubbing his chin, Sabir Wilcher had the gangly gait of a young man who wasn't completely comfortable in a body that had not finished growing.
At 15, Wilcher was not old enough to legally do things Wee drink and vote and wasn't physically mature enough to shave.
But Wilcher was old enough to work in a drug house. He was old enough to commit a cold-blooded, execution-style murder of a friend he had known since childhood. And he was old enough to serve a life prison term with parole eligibility beginning Dec. 4, 2025.
"You will be 46 years old at that time when they can consider whether you are appropriate for release to the community," Circuit Judge Patricia D. McMahon told Wilcher. Moments later, Wilcher trudged from McMahon's courtroom, his shoulders slouched the same way they were when he entered.
"I think he didn't have a chance messing with the people from Chicago," his mother, Lynette Wilcher, had told McMahon earlier, referring to gang members who recruited her son to work in a drug house across an alley from his home on W. North Ave. "Where are they now?
"They are on the outside looking in while my son is on the inside looking out."
* * * "I am speaking out of my hart (sic) that what I done was verey (sic) stupid. I would like to say that I am sorry for what I done and being in here (the County Jail) for eight months made me think that what I done was wrong."
* * *
"About two years ago, when Sabir was 13 years old, the supportive resources in his life began to slowly deteriorate," Julie Paasch-Anderson wrote in a waiver study for Circuit Judge Russell Stamper in June. "Both his parents developed a crack cocaine addiction.
"He entered middle school, and the connections that he had at Lloyd Street Grade School were severed. He was introduced to alcohol and marijuana, which he used on a regular basis as time progressed."
The "connections" at Lloyd Street School were a woman who served as a volunteer parent and a physical education teacher. Wilcher's attorney, Ann T. Bowe, said the two took a special interest in the boy because they recognized he was headed for trouble and wanted to "rescue him from the streets."
"His clothes were often ripped and dirty," Paasch-Anderson reported in her study. "He had poor hygiene, and other children often avoided him because of his body odor."
The volunteer parent gave Wilcher clothes, took him on outings and welcomed him at her home. The teacher allowed Wilcher to help out in the gym, got him a membership in die YMCA and took him to sporting events. But when Wilcher left Lloyd Street School for middle school he lost his two rescuers and gravitated toward a street gang, according to the study.
At home, meanwhile. Lynette Wilcher's "judgment was impaired by her own drug and alcohol use," according to the study. Sabir Wilcher's father also had a drug problem and once was put under house arrest by a street gang because of his cocaine debt, the study said.
Within a year of his involvement with the gang, young Wilcher began selling drugs. By March, he was hanging out at the drug house across the alley.
"I have never denied my involvement in this. You see I could not live with myself knowing I was responsible for taking the life of someone."
* * *
Police reports indicate that Emanuel Johnson, a 21-year-old man running the drug house, was the first person to tell Wilcher that "the minister," a shadowy figure from Chicago, wanted Wilcher to work at the drug house. Johnson eventually sent Wilcher by bus to Chicago to meet the minister, and when he returned a couple days later, he was assigned the task of keeping watch for police and was to be paid $100 every other day.
Inside the drug house on N. 14th St., a brown, rundown duplex, worked three "servers" and a "weight man" named Elvis Anderson, 20, who packaged the cocaine, according to police. Also inside the house were a sawed-off ,410-gauge shotgun, a rifle, a semiautomatic pistol and a .22-caliber, black revolver, according to police.
Beside in charge of the drug house, Johnson served as the runner who brought cocaine to Milwaukee and took the $700 to $800 daily proceeds to Chicago, according to a criminal complaint.
After a disagreement with the minister in early April, Johnson later told police, he began forming a plan to kill the minister and Anderson. Anderson, Johnson explained, had to die because he was too close to the minister.
* * *
"At night, I can't sleep. I tose (sic) and turn thinking about that night over and over agin (sic)."
* * *
On the night of April 22, Johnson gave Wilcher the .22-caliber revolver and told him it was his duty to kill Anderson. According to the plan, when it was time for Anderson to leave for the night, he would have to be driven home and it was during that ride when he would be killed.
Later, when Anderson asked for a ride, Johnson got behind the wheel of a friend's car, Anderson got into the passenger seat and Wilcher, with the revolver in his pocket, sat behind him.
Moments after they drove off, Anderson said he wanted to pick up some food, so Johnson drove to a McDonald's restaurant at 920 W. North Ave. After pulling away from the drive-through, Johnson rolled his window up, turned tine radio volume to high, glanced at Wilcher and nodded.
As Anderson sat with the bag of food in his lap, Wilcher raised the handgun and held it about 6 inches from the back of Anderson's head, he later told police. "Wilcher closed his eyes, turned his head down and to the left and pulled the trigger three times," Police Detective Allan Schoessow testified at Wilcher's preliminary hearing earlier this year.
Johnson drove to a dead-end alley in the 2400 block of N. 10th St. and pulled Anderson's body out of the car. After taking a packet of cocaine from Anderson's pocket, Johnson drove back to the drug house.
" You act like you done this before." Johnson told Wilcher, according to a police report.
When they went back inside the drug house, Wilcher handed the gun to a server who cleaned it, Wilcher later said, before he took it home.
The next day, police announced the arrests of Johnson and Wilcher.
Johnson subsequently took his case to trial, was convicted and sentenced to a life prison term with no parole eligibility for 40 years.
Wilcher pleaded guilty in November and was sentenced recently.
"He was 15 years and four months old at the time of the shooting," Bowe said at the sentencing hearing. "This is not a young person who was saved from the streets by family members ... but someone who was able to shoot somebody in the back of the head with no provocation."
* * *
"I hope the victoms (sic) family forgives me for what I have done. But now all I can do is accept the penalty for the crime I committed. I am so verey (sic) sorry!!"
Three Poems By Tyrone Munson
PO Box 351
Waupun , Wi 53963
Congratulation,you graduated,but no one will call your name.No,there will be no role call,no acceptance speech!You did not finish school or make the deans list.There was no diploma,you just simply graduated.Sad,, no mother,no father,no brother,no sister.No one to cheer your name.What for? No one came to honor you,"CONGRATULATIONS,for your GRADUATION"!
"Who do you think you are to receive such a prestigious award?You only survived a household of trama.There is no blue ribbon because your father left you at an early age.You don't get a courageous of the year trophy because you survived the family secret and your mother's shame. That at the hands of someone you trusted.They, did awful things to you."Ha" you think it noble,there is no B.A. there is no master's degree.
For your degree's are third degree burns,that runs from your face to your torso.From hot grease being thrown on you because your mother says every time she looks at you,she see's your father.A mathematician,never saw that in your future,and besides that you are too dumb for that,at least this is what everyone is telling you.You want to be a mathematician? Well solve this problem,One mother on crack. Plus a father who is not even a part of your life,which really is a minus,divided by drugs alcohol,dropping out of school.Equals committing a crime,ending up in prison or dead.
Yeah "CONGRATULATIONS" as you look into the mirror,and you have come to hate him that stares back at you.Because now you believe everything people said about you.No you should not have low self esteem.Suck it up! didn't they tell you real men don't suppose to cry.But this boy who is only 11 years old says to himself I am not a man.But he is indeed a man,but the only thing he can remember was when he was this boy.Now at 30,he is still stuck at 11.CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR GRADUATION.
For this time you have made a stand,from being powerless,to being power ful.You are honored for your silent courage.You are praised for your resilience.Not backing down from when life smacked you around.CONGRATULATIONS. Because you GRADUATED,from a school that had no dreams.The teachers have all failed you,but you passed.Not because of some book that told you this,or you felt that you needed validation from someone else.Or some paper acknowledging mere accomplishments don’t even seem to suffice.
No "CONGRATULATIONS you GRADUATED".Because you choose not to stay in a box,you did not make excuses.You choose not to allow your past,to say who you are in your present.So I think that I should CONGRATULATE you on your GRADUATION.There is no need for a cap & gown,be proud of who you've become.Hold your head up and stand tall,smile for the camera. You made it.not how other's think you should have,but you made it......
This is for anyone who have went through anything in your life. I want you to understand that you have graduated from a school of life and if you are in a right frame of mind I think that you should be proud of yourself.Not for the many bad things that happen,but for you making it this far.It counts for something CONGRATULATIONS
You have heard the saying, "Life in prison without the possibility of Parole".This is an incorrect way of saying it.No, the proper term to use is "Death in prison without the possibility of reaching your goals.”
When you speak of life,I see it a whole lot differently then most.Life consist of hope, freedom, space , joy, fullfillment,and satisfaction.These are the things of life. Life opens up doors, opportunity,you are able to be someone.There is a chance in life,although restricted there is no restrictions.Again opportunity to be whatever you want to be,having that chance.To have an investment in your natural abilities,your God giving talents.
When I speak of life what also comes to mind is freedom.In life you have a freedom,freedom to express yourself without any consequence. Freedom is to live how you choose to live.Not a freedom to do whatever you want to do no matter who gets hurt.But a freedom to be in love with someone,to really care if they are hurting.This freedom is not stifled by rules that utterly disregard the human physique.Where the natural senses are controlled by unnatural senseless people. With a new respect you are able to taste what is good.To enjoy the flavors of what life has to offer.
To smell,that which smell good to the central of your nerve system.To touch the very essence of what this freedom is all about,Life.Whether it be a plant,a dream,a new born baby,a beautiful women,or whatever it maybe.To hear a song,a word of encouragement.A simple I love you,or what about children playing outside,the sound of her heart beat as you both lay together.Yes this is life,to see those things which at one point you were blinded to.Love,respect family,marriage,to care,to have compassion,and understanding.
This is freedom,this is what life is all about,But where I'm at is death.I received death in prison.To live under the dictates of those who doesn't even believe in my life concept.Those whom are so caught up in trying to prove that I am the criminal,that they,themselves have failed to see there own criminal mental and emotional behaviors.Death in prison,there is no enjoyment watching second by second,minute by minute,hour by hour,day by day,week by week,month by month,and year by year going by and you can’t help but think,"I'm" dying.My dreams of ever being what I wanted to be is slowly wasting away.
This is a superficial reality,what seems to be never is.You have no more chances,you cant go to the beach,you cant watch movies with your family.You know the little things,there is no dream job here.In all actuality you no longer live.You just merely exists.So there really is no such thing as life in prison.There is however death.Death of your hopes,death of your dreams,even the harsh reality of losing family members.This is not living,although you may have to settle or some how condition your mind for acceptance.This is not living! do not have life in prison,no I have death by incarceration.
You strip me from my freedom,I admit I've did some wrongs.But why are you trying to keep me,away from home for way to long? If I accentuate my culture,you misjudge me for being in a gang! But you are a part of a "union" an "institution" that's all the same.I maintain a positive mind frame,but in your brain I'm still the same.Just because you are stagnated in your growth,doesn't mean that I cant change.
How dare you define your morality,by the position you hold over me. Looking down at me with a frown,but seriously you're worse than me.I've committed crimes to get me here,but now I digress from such behaviors.On the other hand,you back hand your children and noisy neighbor’s.On a drunken tantrum,you mentally destroy whomever they want to be.By callin them fat,cunt,ugly,or stupid!You have no right to keep on judging me.
After 400 years,we are still in the same boat,no buses are used to transport.Teenager's ranging from 12-thru-18,giving death sentences,in a all white mans court.Sent to prison,the new plantation,to work for meaningless wages.All while keeping us locked down in cell's smaller than little dog cages.The department of corrections,no let me correct you.There is no correction in prison.More like the death of connections or destitute of colored men.How about the destruction of our children.
I admit there are men who still belong in prison.Because they fail to realize the prison within them.But there are some whom you locked up as kids,we have long since recompensed for the things that we've did. Society if you hear me,please don't be ignorant to the facts,that concealed behind these prison walls are many people who want to give back...
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Lloyd Jarrow
Lloyd and nephew
Lloyd Jarrow #365826;
general Delivery
LA State Prison
Angola, LA 70712
What do you do as a juvenile sentenced to natural life for a crime you did not commit and the judge refuses to consider "New Evidence" that the prosecutor withheld . . . evidence that support your innocence?
What do youdo when the judge faults you because your attorney didn't check the prosecutor's file for this evidence, some, 10 months before trial?
What do you do when the judge's ruling disregard all the motions your attorney filed requesting this evidence, two weeks before and during trial?
What do you do when the judge's ruling even disregard her own ORDERS (before and during trial) for the prosecutor to hand over this evidence?
What do you do when the judge's ruling disregard the law and the fact that the prosecutor lie to your attorney and herself (in open court) about the mere existence of this evidence?
What do you do when the judge's ruling disregard the prosecutor's, inadvertent, admission to having sent you this evidence only "by mistake"?
What do you do when the judge's ruling disregard a sworn affidavit from your attorney affirming your innocence and/or the prosecutor's withholding of such evidence?
What do you do with "New Evidence" that would have permitted the jury to see your case from a whole different light?
What I've decided to do is show you just how inconsiderate and wrong a judgment can be ...
If you have any comments or wish to be a part of my mental support team you can help write or email at the addresses below. The only requirement is that you are positive and optimistic — believe in change.
Lloyd Jarrow General Delivery La. State Prison Angola, LA 70712
email: lloydjarrow@myjail -
NOTE: "When someone is innocent it is everyone's business"
— LuLu
Please don't stone me
For I am innocent.
with the fault of the indigent
We can't go on this way, our lives
has taken a different turn..
as a people detached &unconcern
We are more than distinct colors
We are the spectrum & common neighbors..
a lost Friend, Family, savior
How did we get here, how do we change..
For the higher good, for humane
We share the same sun & recycle
The same air….I am u and u are me-there
Love is stronger than pride..
It's my heart to u
It's God's will-for I have abide
Here's the bridge, save your talk..
It's the son of God at your feet bleeding
Head, heart, and soul.
Sometimes we don't realize
Just how much we mean to someone
..just how much we are connected
Sometimes we don't realize the power
We can draw from each other.. sometimes we are afraid
Sometimes fear keeps us
Until we lose hope & foresight
To see beyond the moment
Sometimes we forget….
Lloyd Jarrow #365826;
general Delivery
LA State Prison
Angola, LA 70712
A Once Illiterate Offender expresses His Innocence
It was 55 days after my 17th birthday when I was arrested on suspicion of murder. I was suspected after two witnesses said they saw me w/the shooter headed toward the scene minutes before the shot. I was in tenth grade –special aid –reading and writing on a 4th grade level. I had no idea then that I’d end up here, learning to read and writing about my innocence.
Let me explain. Those witnesses were ex-offenders and drug addicts-hardly enough? They were thrown in jail until the trial, allegedly, to ensure they would attend. The prosecutor had to come up w/something else, but there was nothing else. Although I was at the bar past curfew none of those witnesses saw me shoot or kill anyone! I had never been convicted of a crime. All the evidence pointed to the shooter-who confessed, yet maintained his innocence. During the trial my attorney stressed “my client is innocent and we’re not saying he was an accessory; we’re saying he was not involved in any way.”
In spite of this, the prosecutor tried to get me to plea to a lesser charge of 5 years probation, if I’d agree to testify that I was w/the shooter when he robbed and shot the victim. I wanted to, out of fear and desperation but it wasn’t true! Because I refused, the prosecutor had no witness to the murder so in the midst of the second day of trial he allowed the shooter to plea to a lesser charge (15 years) if he agreed to testify that I was the shooter, which he did. I was convicted of second degree murder and sentenced to natural life in prison.
My trial went swift and without the evidence that would have supported m innocence. The evidence that was withheld by the prosecutor came later, years later, “by mistake.”
I say mistake because this is what the prosecutor said when and how I received the Grand Jury testimony and statements of witnesses, which I was totally unaware of. This evidence implicated his two witnesses of murder. The prosecutors had the trial jury believe his witnesses had no reason to lie, as did the detective, for indictment! When the grand jury ask about “ any other person other than’me’ that had people to come forward and implicate, he lied, and covered for them, in order to make his investigation more reliable. I tried to petition the courts with this newly discovered evidence(pro se) , along with a sworn affidavit from my trial attorney that” If I had discovered these statements I would have done everything under allowable law and have used these statements to support your innocence!!
If you would like to stand with Lloyd in his fight for freedom an d education, you can help by writing to him at:
Lloyd Jarrow #365826; general Delivery; LA State Prison; Angola, LA 70712.
Note: Lloyd was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole . If you believe that sentence was too cruel and teens especially should be given a second chance, share your concern by contacting Citizens for A second Chance; Kelly Orians, 504-522-5437.
Kelly Orians is the campaign coordinator for the Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana.
“Many small people, who in many small places do many small things can alter the face of the world”
Piece of graffiti from the Berlin Wall, Fall 20 years ago.
If you had ask me to describe my foundation in high school(i.e. round the time I was abducted into the adult prison system) I wouldn’t have been able to. I’m sure I had some sort of impressionable foundation. But if you had asked me to express it in writing I probably would have looked at you with contempt and alarm, esp had you been one of my teachers. It’s not that I hated writing I just didn’t know how, i.e. to read, write or spell. And everyone of my teachers know but did very little to help. I don’t fault them anymore than I felt myself cause there were times when I was plain stubborn and childish. As a jaded teen I felt alone and uncertain. I didn’t know how to discern or make friends. In fact, I fought against the very foundation of my social puberty.
At home there was no one there capable of schooling me, at least not academically. My father was deadbeat and gone. I only knew his name and face cause we wear the same. My mom did her best. She was illiterate and dying from depression, drugs and physical abuse. Though she maintained a steady job for 27 years I had to sieze he checks or whatever was left of it. She could tell me the day before payday no matter what she says or do I was not to give her the money back. Instead pay the bills and if it wasn’t enough I had to flip what she had until I had enough for food, school clothes and rent. It wasn’t easy to deny her esp. where she was jones’n for a fix. Then she would cry, beg, scream, demand and plea for a hit or a few dollars to get one. It hurted me to see her in that state as much as it hurted to go without food, field trip money and decent clothes. It hurted even more because I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand the foundation she was installing in me. A foundation of strength and independence.’
That was her gift to me. And cause of it I’m able to stand firm inspite of being sentenced to natural life as a juvenile.. inspite of the grief of loosing her… inspite of having spent over 5,675 days of my life in prison for a crime I did not commit….Inspite of it all she gave me a foundation…
I am not sorry and neither will I apologize for a crime I did not commit!! Would you?Some people say its funny how the system convicts the innocent. As one, I don’t believe it’s funny at all. I believe it’s a random disregard of human life. I believer it’s murder!!! So random and murderous to where Innocent Projects ha d to be set up throughout the states. Unfortunately, most of all of them only accept DNA based cases. What’s to happen to those cases where the accuse is coerced to give a false confession, or (like me) where the D.A. withheld favorable evidence that support your innocence..evidence that not only implicate his witnesses of murder,but point out where/how the lead detective covered for them in his investigation and /or testimony before the grand jury ?!? It’s a game like putting coins into the pinball machine. You cast your ballot to elect them and they cheat you by withholding evidence. They cheat believing “trials are too important to be left up to juries,” Someone once told me this is not a world for the honest! This is not a place where people are concern about anything beyond themselves. For all the wrong reasons I’m compelled to believe it. But I know there are people that are just as concerned bout the innocent as they are about the environment.
Even still, if I ask for help – if I ask you to stand with me as an Innocent Juvenile Offender sentenced to NATURAL LIFE (to death) I wonder if you’ll brush me off as just another innocent person? I hope not but if you do please remember my cry and:
“The moment we stop
Fighting for each other that’s
The moment we lose our humanity”
I hope you are sober
At least enough to remember
And appreciate the treasure of life
I hope for tomorrow
For a more promising future
For love and space to grow
I hope you are inspired,
Inspired to fight for your dreams
Like oxygen fighting pollution to
I hope you smile
Friday, May 28, 2010
Ivy Carter
Ivy Carter #206034
CCI; PO Box 900;
Portage, Wi 53901
I have been incarcerated since I was 19 years of age. I will be 38 later this year. I have practically spent more time in prison than I have in the "free world," and I must say justifiably so. I am serving time for the worst crime that could be committed—murder. The specifics of what happened is irrelevant when in the end a person loss their life.
I must admit that when I was nineteen I did not know what life was about/ let alone value it. I was an angry abused child who was convinced that the world was "cold and heartless" so I had to be the same way in order to survive. It wasn't until years later that I realized that line of thinking was wrong and I had to change it.
My "stint" in prison has not been an easy one—change is never easy—however/ it has been a productive one. With confidence and pride I can say that I am nothing like the angry/ cold/ and heartless teenager that I was eighteen years ago. I not only know what life is about/ I also value and respect it to the fullest. If you have time check out my article "Where's The Governor?" Thanks. ELABH!
Where's The Governor?By Ivy James Carter III ©2010
What if we did not have governors for each state in this country and there was no one to fill that chief executive position?. Hypothetically, the people of each state would be ungoverned. History reveals that ungoverned people will lead to anarchy--disorder and confusion. If it is likely for ungoverned adults to lead to disorder and confusion, should the same logic be applied to adolescent delinquents whose prefrontal cortex, "which governs the 'executive functions' of reasoning (i.e., advanced thought, and impulse control)," isn't fully functional1? The human brain in adolescents does not mature and complete its development until around the age of 25. Put simply, adolescents do not possess the ability to reason and behave like adults.
With an underdeveloped brain--no governor — adolescents search for boundaries in life that will help them make sense of the seemingly chaotic world around them. For the lucky ones, that quest may lead to some form of "brief" punishment from their parents. For the not so fortunate ones, that quest may lead to a "permanent" punishment that can last until old age. I, like many other delinquent adolescents currently incarcerated, are among the not so fortunate ones. I am not against punishing delinquent adolescents for crimes they commit; however, I do question the logic behind locking them up and throwing away the key when their "poor decision making" was a part of who they were. Isn't there a more reasonable, judicious, and balanced approach toward keeping order and protecting the public once the child has learned how to reason and act like a responsible adult?
"When I was a child I acted like a child..."
By no standards would I call myself an angel. In fact, if you look up "adolescent delinquent" in the dictionary, you will more than likely see my picture. I was a troubled youth who saw trouble as a way of getting attention and making a name for myself. Each time I got into trouble I was referred to juvenile court where the focus was more on punishment than the reformation of the corrupt thoughts and behaviors that I had. I was left to handle and figure those things out for myself and, like a dog, I chased my tail believing that I would "get it." Unfortunately, the only thing I got at the age of 19 was a life-sentence with the chance for parole a few weeks after I turn 64 years old.
"...When I became a man I stopped doing childish things."
1 Coalition for Juvenile Justice "What Are the Implications_ of Adolescent Brain Development for Juvenile Justice?" 2006, p.3.
I have been in prison for the better part of 18 years now, and I am nothing like the stubborn, hardheaded, "youngster" that I was when I first got locked up. In fact, it is safe to say that I am no longer an adolescent trying to make sense of the world around me. I would consider myself a man who knows how to reason and be responsible.
During my incarceration, I have completed many programs and read thousands of books that have helped me develop constructive thoughts and behaviors. Those that get to know me often ask, "What are you doing in prison?" implying that I do not belong in prison. I explain in so many words, that the person I am now may not belong in prison, but it is the "big ball of idiot" that I used to be that keeps me confined.
"When you know better, you do better...Over-incarceration"
At what point does incarceration for a "delinquent adolescence" become over-incarceration?
I do not have access to the statistics, but I am confident that the numbers will show that a good percentage, over 75% or 3 out of 4, delinquent adolescents sent to prison that have served 10 years or more, are least likely to re-offended. My point, once their brain fully developed, they disposed of the thoughts and behaviors that led them to prison in the first place.
I know many men like myself who came to prison as "boys" and self-reformed into respectable men who now see criminal behavior as detestable. The positive thoughts and actions we have incorporated into our lives can be used to stop the next troubled teen from following in our footsteps, and guide us toward being productive members in our communities. The odds of us "re-offending" are not the same as the adult "career criminal." Now that we have learned better ways, we choose to do better things. So what's the point of keeping us incarcerated? In so many ways, we are being over-incarcerated.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tyrone Munson

Tyrone D Munson #35616
PO Box 351
Waupun , Wi 53963
I too was a Juvenile, first time offender who before my crime took place was not in trouble with the law. Never been to juve, did not even have a violent history. Got sentenced to 290 years in prison when I was 17 years old. At the mental age of a 12 year old. My crime was not a reflection of my daily living. But was a result of the many unresolved childhood issues I never had a chance to properly release. In turn I violently raped a women. Which in turn did not feed anything other than the hate, bitterness, anger, pain, and me being raped. Not only of my childhood innocents, but my ability to properly express what was taking place as a child. There will never be a right justification to what I've done. But I can say my actions now reflect that of a different person. From a boy to a man. The reality of this situation is even in prison. I still battle this hierarchy of what crime is the worst crime to commit.
You couldn't have told me that I would be in prison for sexual assault. Not only because I knew it was wrong but it was not socially acceptable in my community. Neither is it in prison, which I still can't understand how can one shun a rapist, but accept a murderer. That always puzzled me. For the simple fact both crimes you have taken the security away from that person. Except in a murder that person doesn't have to feel it. It will be the family who feels it so to me both are equally wrong. All in all unfortunately I have this jacket, and I have to wear it so I might-as-well speak out about it. The harsh reality is a lot of young as well as older men is coming to prison for rape. But many of them never get treatment. Most still deny it only because again it is socially "not cool"!
Yes I am ashamed of the things I've done but I refuse to continue to make it about me. I did the crime, and society wants me to do forever for what I did as a child. I truly believe that I can be of some assist-ance to come to understanding the why behind the will to do something so horrendous. I want to share my story in the hopes of enlightment. Not saying people won’t still have there opinions. However it will give one a pen point.
Written by: Echo DeVon (Tyrone D. Munson)
Congratulations, you graduated/ but no one will call your name. No there will be no roll call. "There will Be no acceptance speech!" You did not make the deans list. You just simply graduated. Sad though, no mother, no father, no sister, or no brother. No one to cheer your name, what for? No one came to honor you, Congratulations, for your Graduation.
"Who do you think you are?"
To receive such a prestigious award. You only survived a house hold of trauma. There is no blue ribbon because your father left you at an early age. You don't get a courageous of the year award trophy, because you survived the family secret, and your mother's shame. That at the hands of someone you trusted. They did awful things to you. "Ha" you think it noble, there is no B.A./ there is no Master's Degree.
No your degrees are third degree burns, that run from your face to your torso. From hot greases being thrown on you because your mother say; every time she looks at you she sees your father. A mathematician, never saw that in your future. Besides, you are too damn stupid for that, at least this is what everyone is telling you. Do you want to be a mathematician? Well solve this problem. One mother on crack, plus a father who is not even a part of your life which really is a minus. Divided by drugs, alcohol, and dropping out of school. Equals committing a crime, ending up in prison, or dead.
Yeah "Congratulations" as you look into the mirror. You have come to hate him that stares back at you. Because now you believe everything people said about you. You're ugly, you will never amount to anything, and that you were a mistake. No you shouldn't have low self-esteem. Suck it up, didn't they tell you real men aren't suppose to cry. But this boy who is only 11 years old says to himself, I am not a man. Though indeed he is a man, however the only thing he can remember was when he was this boy. Now at the age of 33 he is still stuck at 11.
Congratulations on your Graduation.
For this time you have made a stand, from being powerless to powerful. You are honored for your silent courage. You are praised for your resilience. Not backing down from when life smacked you around. Congratulations because you Graduated from a school that had no dreams, the teachers have all failed you but you'passed- Not because of some book that told you this. Or you telt that you needed validation from someone else. Not even some papers acknowledging mere accomplishments, not even this seem to suffice.
No Congratulations you Graduated, because you chose not to stay in a box, you did not make excuses. You chose not to allow your past to say who you are in the present. So I think I should Congratulate you on your Graduation, there is no need for a cap and gown, please be proud of who you've become. Hold your head up and stand tall, yeah that's it now smile for the camera. You made it. Not how others think you should have but you made it......"Congratulations on your Graduation......
This is for anyone who have went through anything in your life. I want you to understand that you have graduated from a school of life. If you are in your right mind. I think you should be proud of yourself. Not for the many bad things that happen to you, but for making it this far. It counts for something Congratulations.
(The new Reality)
I was born out of my mother's womb, on January 26, 1980.
Shortly thereafter, I was adopted by a different family. This was a family of a different race, a family of a whole different creed. This new family I was adopted by, treats me worse than a red headed step child(as they would say).
Our parents never reward us for the many tries. We are always punished though if we do wrong. My brother's,(All boys because this family has no girls)are all different in many ways. We all come from the same mother of bad choices and wrong decisions. We rarely talk about mother, because sometimes it seems to painful to face. If we do talk about mother, it tends to have a negative effect on us. Leaving us angry, bitter, sad, and depressed. Mainly because, if we had listened to our real parents, We wouldn't have to face the ugly truths of our other mother. Bad choices and wrong decisions.
What can I say, my family is so dysfunctional. On top of this we all have major issues, some of my brother's are killers. many of my brothers sold drugs, a lot of them raped women, robbed there own birth mothers, smoked dope, drinked liquor and stole things."You name it we did it"! Like I said we all are alike in some ways. We all have taken something. We all have stole something or something have been stolen from us. Any way it goes we are here, The sad part about is, alot of us did not have our birth fathers. So now we are forced into a situation where we have to listen to our new parents.
There names are Mr. and Mrs. Correctional Officer.
We have to listen to everything they say. If not, we will be punished. Or they will send us to our uncle's and aunt's house. There names are the white Shirt family. Mr. and Mrs. Captain, or Lieutenant. Last and surely least, we have the grand of daddies. The Warden, he doesn't do anything but hand out orders. To be honest I dislike this family. But the truth is, without them as a whole. Everyone, I wouldn't have seen my worth. Because of my brother's(some of them)and there unwillingness to change. It gives me all the more hope to change. Because I refuse to remain the same. Because of the Go's/White Shirt's and the Warden. I strive even harder, they propel me to become a better man. Because honestly they don't give a care if I do or not.
Like I said this whole family is dysfunctional. Everybody has there issues, but your best bet is to work on them while you can. Because there is so much hatred in this family, they will kick you out of the house(prison)
with nothing, no tool's to utilize on the street's. So use this opportunity to get better. Then you will get
out and be with the ones who really loves you.. If not......Just as I am, you will be a part of this
family until to die. Unless by the power of God something changes....... THINK ABOUT IT.
Why should I cry didn't nobody hurt me.When my father died.I didn't feel that he deserted me.There is no way I could shed any tears,for seeing my mother being abused and using drugs for many years.Waking up in the middle of the night wishing tne pain would go away.Praying that someone could help us,I begin to feel like a through away.My feelings wasn't hurt,when others treated me like dirt.Wearing my heart on my sleeve leaving it exposed,so it was easy to make me bleed.In agony a child was conceived,but at that moment I only cried to breath.Besides I was always told ,that real men don't suppose to cry. Suck it up,keep going,hold it all inside. This crazy part for me though I was just a kid. Who suffered a great deal of misfortune at the hands of what my parents did.
"Shut up boy" for I give you something to cry for.Would be the words I hear after getting beat with extension cords.As welts appeared on my body,I begin to question what to live for.l want to cry out but I'm afraid because I don't want to lose my inner pride.Crying makes me soft,and 1 always want to appear strong.I don't want anyone to know that deep down inside I'm fighting to hold on.I love my daughter so much.That at night I cry myself to sleep.But I will not tell anyone, then you'll think I'm weak.Sentence a teenager to life in prison he won't even feel it. He didn't feel the pain he caused,he just kept on living.
Should I cry if a person die I really cared about? For all the tears I held in for years man just let it out! I'm tired of hurting can there just be one day I can go and feel relief? Or will I be forever haunted for the life I lived on the streets,As I touched my face a stream of water begin to run down my cheek. In my mind I've crossed that line hoping no one can see me.When I look back on everything in my life, I started to notice a lie.The lie was this,what I truly missed."Real men are not afraid to cry!"By: Echo Devon.
Product Of Environment
An adolescent bombarded by the disposition of his environmental control.A absentee father so in dissipation he spirals out of control. A transference from the umbilical cord.The child consumes in the womb what the mother experience in life.From love, hate, fear, drugs, or abuse of alcohol. To violence, depression, bitterness, or rage the fetus can feel it all.
When the child is conceived how precious is he, a new addition, to a broken family. But little do he know, that before he even grow he has been infected with an unstable mentality. So when the time comes for him to transform, that boy into a man. The stifling of his emotions kill any chance that he will have in life to ever advance. Not fully understanding this metamorphosis, he immediately internalize. That which his mother embodied the negative forces, hate, fear and constant lies.
The father isn't there to cultivate, or properly inform this man-child. So the things he is now experiencing is self-destruction in
form of acting out. Frora unsafe sex, selling drugs, smoking weed drinking and staying out all night. To robbing people, having shoot outs, even organizing neighborhood gang fights. The list can go on, because the true identity of this man child has been stripped away.
Self-hatred, low self-esteem, no self-concept or structure to build a foundation. So the school of the streets taught him selfishness, self preservation, get what you can get by all means, even if that meant by annihilation.What a devastation, for a man-child to be lags than what God created. Not because he chose this road, but it is evident that past mistakes made it.
No wonder he grows to kill, lie, rob, rape, commit suicide, or end up behind bars. Because there was no way he could escape, it was
already injected into his heart. The only way this cycle can be broke is going back to where it was birth. Then replacing the falsehood that was taugnt. With the truth to his already damaged self-worth. Acceptance is essential, but forgiveness is key. To unlocking the mystery, a lost product of society.,...
BY: Tyrone Munson
B.K.A Echo Devon
White Walls
As I stare at these walls,painted in this cell.I can’t help but to realize to them I've failed.They look back at me,as if I am gum on the bottom of there shoe's.With judgmental eye's they say “I’m better than you!" If I pay close attention I sometimes hear them speak,some with a respectful tone. Yet others yell at me.If history tells me anything this is nothing new. Because the white walls that surrounds me,surrounded ray ancestor's too.The only color I really see,is those in the color green just like me.I also see the color blue but they're is a contrast between me and you.
Because of my failures I've been sent away to be stock in a prison.At least thirty thousand dollars for my existence is what
your bidding.Racism & reality goes hand in hand,am I a racist because I despise the abuse of authority from a white man? Oh you
thought these white walls I speak of was literal? When in all actuality this message is not subliminal.I've been taken away from family,and brought to another land.Where white is dominate;from the t.v. shows to the white Co's,the nurses,and psychologist,even
those who do parol.
Everything I do is considered a gang,if I make one mistake the
walls say's "He'll never change."I'm considered to be manipulative
because I posses social skills.If I look at these walls for to long
they tell me how I should feel.I miss black women with there attitude,and curvaceous temple.The way they love and care for me,these attributes very instrumental.I have now developed a liken for white women.But there is a rule,don't look to hard and don't touch.This rule goes against natural law because I1^ a man who respect and like all women so much.
My assertiveness is considered aggressive,if I'm passionate then I
must be mad.When they don't understand me they write antisocial, depressed or sad.Everytime I wake up,I'm reminded of my life on pause. All because I'm en-trapped in the midst of these "White Walls"........
By Echo Tyrone Devon
ME (Complex-of-ME)
A detriment of my pride has commence to take shape.
A deformity in my character perpetuate a masquerade
so I'm faking. Trying to be some one I really cant be,
an adolescent in adult shoes. Failing to articulate this concept of self-hate so I choose. To be a fool and drop out of school, and conform to society stereo-types.
Instead of pursuing an edumication I pick up a dope sack,
or check, check mic. There is more to my plight in life,
but I assimilate to what's being taught. Because the truth
of my identity is like a fiction novel that can ba brought.
Who am I?" No the question is who I am not? I am not your
average Joe. I have the full capacity to think, speak and live like a palm tree so I grow. I feel, I cry, I laugh, I'm shy. I learn from a lie, I love so I sigh….
I empathize with emotional muscles that I have learned to exercise. So this detriment that 1 speak of is no longer an issue, Like one big tissue I have become a gentle man soft to the core. Now when you see me,you don't, see this peter-pan
anymore. Although I am still flawed, in my humanistic capabilities. I accept the man I've become , but I embrace this
boy inside of me..
Echo Devon
You have heard the saying, "Life in prison without the possibility of Parole".This is an incorrect way of saying it.No, the proper term to use is "Death in prison without the possibility of reaching your goals.”
When you speak of life,I see it a whole lot differently then most.Life consist of hope, freedom, space , joy, fullfillment,and satisfaction.These are the things of life. Life opens up doors, opportunity,you are able to be someone.There is a chance in life,although restricted there is no restrictions.Again opportunity to be whatever you want to be,having that chance.To have an investment in your natural abilities,your God giving talents.
When I speak of life what also comes to mind is freedom.In life you have a freedom,freedom to express yourself without any consequence. Freedom is to live how you choose to live.Not a freedom to do whatever you want to do no matter who gets hurt.But a freedom to be in love with someone,to really care if they are hurting.This freedom is not stifled by rules that utterly disregard the human physics.Where the natural senses are controlled by unnatural senseless people. With a new respect you are able to taste what is good.To enjoy the flavors of what life has to offer.
To smell,that which smell good to the central of your nerve system.To touch the very essence of what this freedom is all about,Life.Whether it be a plant,a dream,a new born baby,a beautiful women,or whatever it maybe.To hear a song,a word of encouragement.A simple I love you,or what about children playing outside,the sound of her heart beat as you both lay together.Yes this is life,to see those things which at one point you were blinded to.Love,respect family,marriage,to care,to have compassion,and understanding.
This is freedom,this is what life is all about,But where I'm at is death.I received death in prison.To live under the dictates of those who doesn't even believe in my life concept.Those whom are so caught up in trying to prove that I am the criminal,that they,themselves have failed to see there own criminal mental and emotional behaviors.Death in prison,there is no enjoyment watching second by second,minute by minute,hour by hour,day by day,week by week,month by month,and year by year going by and you can’t help but think,"I'm" dying.My dreams of ever being what I wanted to be is slowly wasting away.
This is a superficial reality,what seems to be never is.You have no more chances,you cant go to the beach,you cant watch movies with your family.You know the little things,there is no dream job here.In all actuality you no longer live.You just merely exists.So there really is no such thing as life in prison.There is however death.Death of your hopes,death of your dreams,even the harsh reality of losing family members.This is not living,although you may have to settle or some how condition your mind for acceptance.This is not living! do not have life in prison,no I have death by incarceration.
You strip me from my freedom,I admit I've did some wrongs.But why are you trying to keep me,away from home for way to long? If I accentu¬ate my culture,you misjudge me for being in a gang! But you are a part of a "union" an "institution" that's all the same.I maintain a positive mind frame,but in your brain I'm still the same.Just because you are stagnated in your growth,doesn't mean that I cant change.
How dare you define your morality,by the position you hold over me. Looking down at me with a frown,but seriously you're worse than me.I've committed crimes to get me here,but now I digress from such behaviors.On the other hand,you back hand your children and noisy neighbor’s.On a drunken tantrum,you mentally destroy whomever they want to be.By callin them fat,cunt,ugly,or stupid!You have no right to keep on judging me.
After 400 years,we are still in the same boat,no buses are used to transport.Teenager's ranging from 12-thru-18,giving death sentences,in a all white mans court.Sent to prison,the new plantation,to work for meaningless wages.All while keeping us locked down in cell's smaller than little dog cages.The department of corrections,no let me correct you.There is no correction in prison.More like the death of connections or destitute of colored men.How about the destruction of our children.
I admit there are men who still belong in prison.Because they fail to realize the prison within them.But there are some whom you locked up as kids,we have long since recompensed for the things that we've did. Society if you hear me,please don't be ignorant to the facts,that concealed behind these prison walls are many people who want to give back...
Friday, May 14, 2010
Jamaica Wilson
CCI;PO Box900
Portage, Wi 53901
Friday, April 23, 2010
Shareef Williams
Shareef Williams #335432
PO Box 19033
Green Bay, WI 54307
In the Name of Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Second Chance for Juvenile Offenders
My name is James Williams also known as Shareef Williams. I can sit here and write you the most romanticized letter about why I should have a second chance at life. But it”ll only be a fraction of how I truly feel.
Yes, I was young when I committed my crime, 17 years old. I foolishly took part in taking the life of an innocent person. Someone who was only doing their job. Helping other people and giving advice. Even gave me some advice.
When the judge gave me my time, I didn’t blink nor drop a tear. Not because I felt I deserved it. But because I had the mind state that I was superman. There’s no way that this man can give me a parole date of 2098, 101 years! I’ll be 118 years old when I first see parole.
I was never a real trouble maker. I was the type of kid that felt the world owed me something. And I felt that I deserved the world in gold. Do to a low self-esteem I just rolled with the punches. This way of thinking has been negative at times, as well as positive. It has placed me in groups that helped me get many jobs. And groups that have placed me in hot water at home. And one time in a detention center over night, at the age pf 15/ For two counts of misdemeanor battery. Which was dropped to one count. I was given probation and community service for my actions.
After13 years in prison, I’ve changed many things about myself. I let go of my I’m the victim thoughts, and started taking responsibilities for my actions. This way of thinking opened my eyes to a new world. I began to give back to the world. And felt that a positive me would be the best gift that I could ever return to the world.
But the big question remains, Do I deserve a second chance? In all honesty, I’ll have to say no. I don’t deserve the chance, my family do. They deserve the chance to see me be a productive person. Someone they’ll be proud to call their son, brother, and father. I’ve hurt them more by my actions, then I’ve hurt myself. So please don’t fight for my freedom. Fight for my family, to have a chance to see the man that I’ve become.
Thank you for your time and support,
3 new offerings
Honorable Dominic S Amato
May this letter find you and your loved ones in the best of health, and state of mind. I must inform you that this letter isn't a motion for a time cut nor a plea for any relief in any way, shape, or form. This is wrote with the hope of being given a second chance to make a first impression.
Please allow me the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is James D. Williams, you convicted me to life in prison on August 4, 1997 (case # F-971225). At the time my 17 year old way of thinking did not do me or society, any help. But with 12 years of thinking I have come to an understanding that only a mature man can accept.
Many nights I find myself revisiting your court room, hearing your words about the person that I was, 12 years ago, really forced me to put some thought into who I was, and am today.
In 1997 I didn't have any respect for life, nor did I have a idea of respect for myself. This lack of respect allowed me the ability to stupidly take a life. Not just any life but, the life of someone that was a positive influence within the community. And within that same action destroyed any chance I had at any type of life.
Now I realize that remorse isn't something that is used in order to say how sorry I am for my actions. True remorse is within the actions.
And no amount of time can correct my actions. Only a reaction can correct any incorrect action. So with this new thought process, I have been trying to make attempts at changing how I am viewed by people. And even though you don't remember me or even care if I have changed or not, it matters to me how I have left a negative last impression in your mind. So I request that you please up date any negative thoughts of that 17 year old boy, to who I am today. A person that is seeking to correct his past mistakes. May you and your loved ones be blessed and thank you for your time. -
Changing The Youth:The New Revolution....
Change is the most wishful word in the English language. It evoke feeling of hope. Strong possibilities and endless opportunities. You know, "the silver lining in the sky," change does not exist. It's simply another tooth fairy "leave-the-tooth-under-the-pillow" and hope for a gift hoax.
Even you, yeah you, reading this paper right now, cannot change! You can not be a better parent or shed that extra weight or change your attitude. You are who you were ten, fifteen, and twenty years ago and you are doomed to continue on the same course of action until your death.
What’s wrong? Does it hurt to feel insulted??? Well, join the club, This is the same line of gibberish teenagers all over the United States of America are being brain washed with; because of bad choices made during their adolescence. Walk into any juvenile courtroom and you will hear the judge give society this story about how some kid is a disgrace to the community and need to be banned for the rest of his or her young life.
Please don't get me wrong, this is not a call for readily made excuses for negative behavior patterns, it's a cry for help. It is time for society as a whole to became aware and take control of the punishing of our children.
Unless we are going to accept the notion that's being politicized by judges, district attorneys, and politicians that juvenile offenders are doomed for failure and should receive the harshest penalties for first-time offenses. As if the juvenile is exempt from the change that comes with maturity.
These same juveniles are from our communities and upon release will return back to our communities. Now is our chance to take control of the type of adults that will be returning. Join the fight, right now! There are organizations that are laying ground work for a plan to better rehabilitate the children of America. Please go to: http:www.prisonforum and click on juvenile page. Give your input and offer your support. The future should be in our hands.
4 Elements Of Consciousness
Use what you have before, you have not. Supplies of "I TRY" are plentiful. So keep trying, while the rest of the world is doing what you can't. Life is passing join it or be left behind No one will miss you, someone Might remember you, P1""1 not anyone will trade places with you.
We are living... how about you? Has the stress of the world choked the life from your spirit. Broken you down to a meaningless existence. Break free from the burdens that hunt you. No one can save you, but you. The choice is all yours. If you fail, you fail because of you. If you rise to the challenge and win, you win because of you. This fight is all yours, use your four elements. There are few that understand how vital they are, in the game of survival.
Element 1 :
Be aware. This go beyond the three senses, look, listen, and learn. This element challenge the intellect and force one to see, what is not shown; hear what is not said; and understand the unquestioned riddle. This is done by understanding that the human being is a being of the circle effect. The circle effect is the action to the cause and effects of life. There is a high percentage of humans that react the same, to the same cause that effect the behavior. When one is mad, one ball up their face, when one is happy, one smile and so on. The face tells all, the eyes don't know how to keep a secret, and the impulse(VERBAL OR PHYSICAL)is no liar.Humans are all wired
in the same way. "know yourself an: you'll know all.
Element 2:
Silence. Only in the darkness of quietness, is one able to surface the answers, that will manifest the self clearly. If we allow our mind to run wild, our words and actions will mirror the image of our inner self. Educate the self to shut up, point blank. If one can't control their mind, how will one be able to control their out come.
Element 3
The honey effect.Have you ever tried to quickly pour honey from a jar? If you said yes, you have burned off energy that could have been used else where. One has to allow the honey to slowly creep out the of the jar and onto the object of choice. One have to master the honey effect, this is done by thinking before you speak. Allow your works to slowly slide from your mind and analyze each one as it creeps to your mouth and out the lips. A well thought out sentence is worth the world in gold. And can keep one out of a sticky situation, that can leave them stung. them stung.
Element 4:
Store and evaluate. Create a storage space, in your mind for useful conversation. Once you have stored them you are able to evaluate them, and see when and where you allowed an
conversation opportunity to pass you by. By using this element, one is able to mentally encourage themself to speak up when the time is right. And it allows one to become mentally stronger. So when a debate is thrown at you,you are able to counter more effectively. By evaluating our past, we are able to alter our future. Life is a game that is won by the hungry. Every moment is a chance to excel above the rest. Who we are isn’t what matters, but what we become is the important thing.
If you didn't come to play hard, then go home, watch from the sidelines, or die with the rest of them. Are you intellagent enough to win. The war has moved beyond the physical world. The battle field lay within the minds of the human beings. It's all about the power of the mind. Use it, or lose it. Period!!!
MY Appeal
I appeal to you, not the form, or the character of the individual, but the conscious mind of men. We have been placed in a rut. A rut of 2nd guessing ourselves. 9x'S out of 10 we are blessed to want to do more, be more!!! But we allow ourselves to be 2nd guessed by our doubting minds. That part of us that feel like we can’t won’t shouldn’t and can never be better. It's in our nature to seek to be better than yesterday.
Allow your power, to be great, to break free from the monster of 2nd guessing. I call to you INTELLECTUAL SELF, rise up RISE-UP, RISE-UP!!! The time for action is upon us and change of the level self is now. It's time to stop just being good and be the best, stop being average and step into the shoes of greatness. It's us who have sold outselves short, and only the man in the mirror can help you.
The moment of truth is now, the fight is in our own backyard, every last one of us. Clear house or allow it to collapse. We’re man enough to fight each other, man enough to take from each other, man enough to break the law (MAN MADE, SELF MADE AND ALLAH MADE). I ask you this? Are we man enough to defeat our self? To hear that insight from our intellectual self and utilize it? change will come, it's who you are when it get here that is most important.
CONTROL YOURSELF OR SOME ONE ELSE WILL Is one of the building block statement of personal control. Personal control is the ability to take charge of self on a daily basis. Without giving up any part of our self to any one. When we allow any one to control our actions and/or reactions, no matter if the’re emotional or physical, we have giving them free reign over out personal control.
One must be able to take charge of their emotions at any given time. One can't allow them to be manipulated at the free will of others. Even one slip can cause one to lose the game. In life their are no second chances. We live in a world, where everything that we do watched, noted, and exploited for the amusement or benefit of others. One can't allow anyone to take the wheel and steer their life in any direction, that pleases them. One either takes ahold of the wheel of life, and control them self mentally and physically or the puppeteer will do it for you.
One should never allow themself to lose focus, of their personal control. A second of lost focus can 1ead one down the road of being second in command their lives.
Control is given, not taken. NO one can control anyone without them allowing them to. Take control of yourself, before someone else doses. Personal control is a obligation, that the foolish ignore.
There is this group of monkeys that live deep within the jungle, by a stream that emits steam. Naturally the monkeys came to the conclusion, that the water was dangerously hot. Until one day. One of the monkeys decided to pause on the bank of the stream and examine the piece of fruit that it just picked. When suddenly the monkey lost it's grip of the fruit and, it dropped into the stream. Without thinking about the hot water, the monkey quickly reached the water and retrieved the fruit. Upon doing so the moa^y realized that the water wasn't hot as it had thought. It was cool and perfect for cleaning food, and proceeded to do so. The other monkeys seen this and watched in amazement. One by one they slow approached the stream and placed their hand within the water.
within this story there are two important factors, knowledge and wisdom. At first glance the degrees of separation between these words, are hard to see. But a brief look into them will allow one to see there similarities as well as differences. Knowledge is defined by the webster dictionary as: Understanding acquired through experience. This is a process of learning that the monkey went through, by a set of circumstances that pushed the monkey's survival instinct in to play. To starve or eat was it's only choices. Which lead to the monkey to acquire the informationthat the water was cool, and not hot as it first believed.
Wisdom is defined as: Insightful understanding: what is true, right or enduring. Which is the process, that the rest of the monkeys elevated to. After watching the monkey wash its food in the water knowledge and wisdom are bonded by the links of education. This process of learning is more closely connected with knowledge. But the most widely used form of it is wisdom. So in closing a knowledgeable man learns from experiences And a wise man learns from others experiences.
Will: control exercised, over oneself: self-discipline. Within life many of us fail to acknowledge our ability, to have the option of choice. Some either think that we have full power or none at all. The former thought process is for the foolish minds, and the latter one is considered as extreme, depending on the situation that it is applied to. Within the middle standing of intellegence, one must exercise a level of understanding between these two thought patterns. Which will in turn bring one to a realization of an ability of a limited will. Which is a more logical mind set.
Lets take a look at the logical and illogical approach of these three types of wills.
The ability of full power of will, is as smart as fish flavored ice. Let us use the air of rational for a second. Humankind been given full power of will, just imagine the chaos that would run rampant within the world. Every foolish wish and desire can be materialize at our every thought. Think of how many people that we have wished death upon through out our lives. How many people would you have foolishly wished dead and for what reason?
So with the irrational minds of the human being in mind, do the ability of full power of will, still sound logical?
The idea of mankind having no free will is more on track, than the above thought process. But even this leval of thinking is too far to the right. Yes in certain areas of human we have no control. To name a few, our birth, our death, our amount of s sustenance we'll acquire during our life. If one need further explanation why these areas have been taken out of our free will, please refer back to the beginning of this paper. The most intelligent view is that we as humans are given a limited free will. This is given only to show us our growth or lack there of.
So in layman terms, not giving mankiind full free will is in reality saving us from ourselves, and allowing us a limited free will is allowing us to have a taste of responsibility over our lives. Without leaving us void of Guidance.
FORMULATED BY Shareef Williams
Faux Pas (Fo Pa)
(1) As a unit the word Faux Pas (Fo Pa) is defined in the following words: A social blunder, which doe not truly do the word justice. Lets look at the word from a different angle. Faux Pas is made up of two word Faux and Pas. Faux is defined as: Artificial or fake. And Pas is defined as: A series of steps. Upon further inspection it becomes clear that the social blunder isn't a mistake that is achieved overnight. It was built upon a series of artificial steps, which ultimately lead to an embarrassing end. This is the state of our society, the moral standard has been reduced to a with the filth, leaving the four pillars of the society (Home, Community, School, & media) in ruin. Many half hearted attempts have been made to correct the crumbling strcture; but duct tape and popsicle sticks can only hold for so long. A conscious effort needs to be made to rebuild the pillars. Having even one weak one would weaken and take away from the strength of the other three pillars. Forcing them to work harder to keep up as they pull the slack of the weak pillar.
Home is the strongest of all the pillars, because it is the place where the three main parts of knowledge are learned: Values, lessons, and morals. Before anyone is allowed into the realm of the community, they are influenced and indoctrinated within the home, which if the home is stable, leads to a healthy community.
But when the home is decayed only an illusion of the pillar remains and leaves the community to foot the bill. The original role of the community is to be an active enforcer, of the values, lesson, & morals that were instilled within the home. But with the watered downed version of the home, the pillar of community has been manipulated into being a synthetic home. Parents have went from being the main source of behavioral instruction of THEIR CHILDREN to taking the backseat, as their child learns life's most valuable lessons from their peers and the neighborhood peter pans, (adults who refuse to grow-up), then, to add gas to the flames, the government has stepped into the home and setup laws to orchestrate how parents raise their kids. This leads to three things: 1-parents being- useless, 2- the kids spiraling out of controls, and 3- the community being littered with unruly kids. With the crippled state of the home and community, the third pillar school has went from being the provider of knowledge and career training to being a daycare for overworked, high stressed parents. Parents only care about getting their kids to daycare so that they'll be allowed to get some sleep before work, which is at the same time that Kids are getting home which leaves the kids with the new inhome babysitter, the media. Tha media has been floating in and out of our home for hundreds of years. Beginning with radio and newspapers and television.
The media have been a outlet to plant seeds into the minds of communities since it's beginning. These subliminal messages began as harmless encouragements. What styles to wear, family structure and political adgendas. over the years this family friendly pet, has grown into a vicious beast that doesn't only suggest ideas, but takes control of fragil minds within society. The pillars of media has rose above the rest of the pillars and has gained power and the status of the parents. Not just to the kids but also the parents. The role of the media is so powerful that it has taken on an active role of Image consultant to the world. Teaching females that a real woman is the weight of a eleven year old. And when it comes to clothing, less is best. Teaching males that men are emotionless, but physically having a touch of femininity which is a paradox that drive many insane as they are trying to achieve it. Teaching woman that they are the new age men. That men are good for nothing oppressors. Which leads to woman mirroring these ideas into action and words. Influencing her children with her many,"I hate men", tiraids. While continuing to hopelessly looking for a man to share her life with. Which leaves the men with yoke on their face. Some because they have been exposed for the filth they really are. And the rest are innocent by standers who have paid the price many times for the actions of the pimps, players, and dogs. Leaving them with two choices: 1- accept the bad reputation that has been attached to men, or 2- sorrowfully work to distance themselves from the stink of the decayed image of man. This landfill of a society that we find ourselves in, has been eroded.. The many false ideas and images have chipped away at the beautiful surface of these pillars and left there core exposed and susceptible to be changed into whatever is popular at the time. This course of action only leads to ruin and the loss of the core elements of these pillars. Which will be the end of our society. The time is now, we all need to step up and take responsibility for our actions. And accountability for our addition to the problem. The phenomenon of passing the buck is only taking us further away from the problem. Which isn't leading to a solution, in the near future, the nucleus of this problem is within the relationship of the parents.
Men and women need to wake up and see that the state of society can only be changed by them. It is up to us all. It starts with responsibility for our personal short comings and decisions. All men are not to blame for you to allow some men to knock you up and then run away, or abuse you. It's not every woman's fault that you let some golddigger suck you dry (no pun intended),or abuse you. It was your choice to allow these unworthy individuals into your life. Which only added to your bitterness and resentment towards the opposite sex. These thoughts are the building blocks of the downfall of the family structure. Unless the major players of the family structure are willing to work together we're doomed. I would like to suggest ten steps, that if taken may be able to narrow the gap of men and woman in their relationship.
Ten steps of togetherness
1. Take responsibility for your own actions.
2. Take accountability for inactions.
3. Always include yourself while issuing out blame.
4. Know that change starts with the self first.
5. The media is only entertainment, not the law.
6. Expect from others only what you are willing to give.
7. Communicating requires someone being quiet while one person speaks.
8. Yelling is like drugs, useless and deadly in the wrong hands.
9. Sometimes it doesn't matter what everyone else is or isn't doing, your behavior is what matters most.
10. Respect is a two way street, if you don't drive down it, you won't be shown it.
These ten steps are not law and relationships should not be limited to them. But any action is better then none at all. In the words of Issac Newton, "An object in motion remains in motion until stopped by an outside force". We must rise up and be that outside force, this is our society and the way that it is only effects us. Look around you, take a unromantic look at your environment. Is it really what you want to leave your children and grandchildren? Today is the day for action, tomorrow will be to late. We must act now if not for us, then for the safety of our children. And yes, I am aware that I stated the same sentence two times. The reason is to show that the underlining issue needs to be seen as twice as important. We must take the state of our society seriously, continuing to accept artificial examples of what a society is built upon is pure insanity. The time for action is now. tomorrow might be to late!
BY: Shareef/James Williams